Union Hospital Protects Patient Privacy and Saves Auditors Time with iatricSystemsTM Auditor’s Desktop

Correlates Results from Multiple Audits

“We are big fans of Auditor’s Desktop because of the features it offers, such as the ability to quickly see which audits have the greatest probability of inappropriate behavior,” says Bonnie Davis, Director, Application Services at Union Hospital. Every night, Auditor’s Desktop performs a risk analysis across multiple audits, correlates the assigned weights and identifies possible inappropriate actions ranked by order of severity. The results are presented in one consolidated audit that is sent to privacy auditors on demand. They can then review the ranked results, determine whether the access was appropriate, and take action as needed.

Side by Side Comparison

Auditor’s Desktop improves the productivity of Union Hospital’s privacy auditors and makes their job easier by bringing together all the information needed for managing audits and making determinations on one screen. “The user interface is amazing,” Bonnie adds. “The Preview window saves us a lot of time by showing us everything we need.” This web-based screen aligns patient audit information next to user audit information, making it very easy to view relevant information and make an audit determination. “The side-by-side comparison between the patient and the user is huge,” Bonnie adds.

Weeds out False Positives

Auditor’s Desktop also helps Bonnie and her team reduce the number of false positives so they can focus on PHI accesses that require further investigation. “Auditor’s Desktop helps us identify people who show up on a regular basis and have a valid reason. For example, we have someone with a common last name who works in ED billing. The name is associated with every ED patient and we know the risk is minimal because of the role as well as the audit history.”

Simplifies Case Management

Bonnie adds that Auditor’s Desktop also improves productivity by making it easy to track and manage breach investigations. “We can open a case, track its progress, make a final determination, and add comments that support our findings.” Within the same screen, privacy auditors can view and change the status of a case, and decide if it qualifies as a breach that must be reported to federal and state regulators. “Auditor’s Desktop is very helpful,” Bonnie concludes. “We have already seen productivity gains since using the product.”