CalvertHealth Medical Center is a not-for-profit, community-owned hospital located in Prince Frederick, Maryland.
When CalvertHealth upgraded to the MEDITECH 6.15 EHR, they had to make a decision about barcode specimen collection. The hospital had been using another vendor’s solution for years, and staff were familiar with it. Introducing a new system can be problematic. Would users accept it? Would it take long to learn? CalvertHealth chose iatricSystems MobiLab and hasn’t looked back.
More Features and Flexibility—No Interfaces Required
Functionality not previously available with the prior solution includes FlexButtonTM (also known as iLaunch), a tool that lets clinicians launch MobiLab directly from MEDITECH. Marlene Smith, Innovation Leader at CalvertHealth explains, “They don’t have to leave their MEDITECH screen to get into MobiLab—FlexButton makes it seamless.” This simplicity is what sold MobiLab to an area new to barcoded specimen collection—the Operating Room, which includes Preadmission Testing, the OR itself, and PACU. “Knowing they could collect specimens quickly and easily using MobiLab without leaving MEDITECH, we were able to sell MobiLab to those users and bring them on board,” Marlene adds.
CalvertHealth’s Director of Laboratory Services, Michele Bowen, also appreciates the simplicity and features. She can access MobiLab reports directly from her MEDITECH 6.15 screen for information about missed draws, stat order turnaround times, and other important details. This includes information not previously available, such as specimens collected but not received in the lab. As Marlene observes, “If somebody’s walking around with a specimen and forgets to deliver it, we can track that down now.”
The CalvertHealth IS team worked hard to meet the needs of all stakeholders involved. “We had to ensure a seamless transition, and that the system we selected would maintain the culture of patient safety and quality that users were accustomed to. MobiLab made that possible,” says Marlene. While CalvertHealth could have continued using its prior specimen collection solution, it would have required building multiple point-to-point interfaces to MEDITECH 6.15, something CalvertHealth IS preferred not to do. MobiLab gave users all the capabilities of the previous solution (plus more), while integrating with MEDITECH without the complexity and cost of interfaces. The choice was a win-win for everyone.
Runs on Multiple Devices
MobiLab is deployed throughout the hospital, running on a variety of devices (from hardware partner RMS Omega) that best fit each caregiver’s workflow. Phlebotomists use handheld units as they make their rounds, as do respiratory therapists for collecting blood gasses. Nurses and nursing assistants do most collections on inpatient units and have their choice of a handheld unit or a laptop mounted on a cart. In the Emergency Department and the OR, clinicians use fixed PC workstations located in each treatment room. “Whenever possible, we give users their choice of device because we know flexibility is important to them. RMS Omega preconfigured devices for us, which was great, and they provide excellent support,” Marlene adds.
Tight Deadline—Easy Transition The iatricSystems MobiLab team helped CalvertHealth meet their 6.15 go-live date despite a short turnaround time. “They were very helpful and knowledgeable,” Marlene says. “Knowing that we were on a tight timeline for the MobiLab project, from the moment we made contact with them, we all hit the ground running, and they were committed to seeing that we met our go-live date. We could definitely see their dedication and commitment. And their post-live support has been phenomenal.”
As go-live drew near, Marlene and her staff set up a training fair in a hospital conference room where users could drop in for a 30-minute training session on the new solution and perform sample collections. “After 30 minutes of training, users were good to go.”
CalvertHealth has made a smooth transition to a solution that is used successfully throughout the hospital. “Staff really like MobiLab for the easy specimen collection and flexibility,” Marlene adds. “It was our Lab Director’s number one choice years ago when we first implemented barcode specimen collection, and it still is today.”