
We have curated a list of the best free iatricSystems resources for you, including training documents, product resources, report writing tips, and more!

Search archived MEDITECH-L postings. Also available in the Apple® App store, L-List Search. Iatric Systems remains dedicated to serving the MEDITECH community. To allow MEDITECH users to easily locate information on a variety of topics, Iatric Systems created a database containing postings submitted to the MEDITECH-L list…

Custom Defined Screen Attributes are used to default values into queries on Customer Defined Screens, to skip by queries based on responses to other queries, or to total responses into a summary field. CDS General Information CDS Info – Word Wrap CDS Info – NUR Attributes

Disclaimer: Use of the following attribute and NPR macro is done at the sole discretion of the user. Iatric Systems is not responsible for any problems arising from the use of this code. All code should be implemented and tested thoroughly in a TEST environment before moving…