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delivering healthcare IT
trust iatricSystems
vendor integrations
DetectRx includes an Advanced Virtual Assistant (AVA) that minimizes the time you spend on manual tasks. AVA can trigger alerts, request information, and track responses based on your predefined parameters, helping you provide necessary information for HR and regulatory agencies.
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Morbi rhoncus id ve ultricies Phasellus conseqpien ut metus egestais. Aliquestib ulum elit feulla convallis pret Morbi rhoncus id
Morbi rhoncus id ve ultricies Phasellus conseqpien ut metus egestais. Aliquestib ulum elit feulla convallis pret Morbi rhoncus id
Morbi rhoncus id ve ultricies Phasellus conseqpien ut metus egestais. Aliquestib ulum elit feulla convallis pret Morbi rhoncus id
Morbi rhoncus id ve ultricies Phasellus conseqpien ut metus egestais. Aliquestib ulum elit feulla convallis pret Morbi rhoncus id
Morbi rhoncus id ve ultricies Phasellus conseqpien ut metus egestais. Aliquestib ulum elit feulla convallis pret Morbi rhoncus id
Utilize your hospital's EMR, ADCs, and timekeeping systems to deliver timely and pertinent data.
Configure DetectRx to monitor other medication administration non-compliance. This can help you meet Joint Commission standards, Core Measures, and Certifications.
Improve detection accuracy and utilize AVA to track and request information to provide the necessary data for an investigation.
When undetected drug diversion hits the news, hospitals pay a high price. Let DetectRx provide the protection you need.
AVA helps DetectRx immediately detect abnormal behavior that can help improve compliance rules and regulations. Quickly detecting unacceptable activity and diversions can prevent patient death and allow more time for training and patient safety.
Skip time consuming manual audits and reporting that can cause diverters to slip to the cracks. Implementing DetectRx quickly streamlines and identifies investigations for you.
The issue of drug diversion in healthcare is a major problem, with considerable consequences. What many
In the realm of healthcare, a revolution is underway, quietly transforming the landscapes of diagnosis, treatment,
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Morbi rhoncus id ve ultricies Phasellus conseqpien ut metus egestais. Aliquestib ulum elit feulla convallis pret Morbi rhoncus id