MEDITECH Attributes and Rules
Improve Data Quality with MEDITECH Attributes and Rules
Improve Data Quality with MEDITECH Attributes and Rules
30+ years
delivering healthcare IT
1300+ hospitals
trust iatricSystems
vendor integrations
Hundreds of hospitals throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom rely on iatricSystems for efficient, reliable reports, and knowledgeable, hands-on report writer training.
With M-AT applications in MEDITECH 6.0 and 6.1 systems, customers come to us with a growing need for custom MEDITECH rules to enhance functionality in M-AT Screens, Document Sections, and Order Management. Let us build MEDITECH attributes or rules for you.
Speak with an expert to learn more about MEDITECH Attributes and Rules
Learn what sets MEDITECH Attributes and Rules apart from our competitors
Easily skip and require answers, avoid duplicate orders, and use print logic to streamline user workflow.
Attributes and rules can be built remotely by our team, and discounted report writing blocks can be applied to this work.
Enable your IT and Nursing Informatics staff to focus on higher priority tasks by letting us write rules and attributes for you.
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Validate data, avoid conflicting orders, and ensure all information is entered with logic we add to CDSs and 6.x M-AT screens.