Epic Report Writing Services
Our Certified Report Writers Can Help You Get the Job Done
Our Certified Report Writers Can Help You Get the Job Done
30+ years
delivering healthcare IT
1300+ hospitals
trust iatricSystems
vendor integrations
The default approach to reporting from the SQL-based data repositories in Epic isn’t quite what you want for the long term. Let us help you set up a sustainable, easy to maintain, high-performance reporting environment and workflow for your Business Intelligence team.
The Epic Cogito classes at Verona are great, but don’t quite cover everything you need to master both Caboodle and Clarity. Our Epic reporting team has 15+ years of experience reporting out of nearly every module in Epic, presented at UGM/XGM, and solved problems from Cogito that don’t come out of the box!
Provide extra capacity to existing reporting staff, or fill in gaps. Our report writers can help you get the job done.
More than 800 hospitals and healthcare systems have trusted our experts to write reports because of their experience and fast turnaround.
We work quickly to understand the project, come up with a solution, and implement the tools you need to succeed.
More than a fair price and an efficient use of time, the true value is in our ability to complete projects others can’t.
With a proven track record servicing hundreds of hospitals, no project is too big or small.
TSQL Concatenation + operator vs CONCAT vs CONCAT WS
T-SQL-Guaranteeing the Database Context in Dynamic SQL
It is rare that this will come up, but in certain circumstances you may need to
T-SQL-Error: “Cannot resolve the collation conflict between…”
One day you write some code on a new system, or using tables in the database
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With 25+ years of experience report writing, there's no challenge our report writing team hasn't already seen and completed