Peterson Health is a nonprofit, independent healthcare organization on a mission to provide exceptional, compassionate, patient-centered care to the Texas Hill Country. In their commitment to patient safety and procedural efficiency, Peterson Health was finding traditional methods of managing controlled substances, like relying on EHR reports and drug dispensing cabinet reports, to simply not be enough. Without an automated and comprehensive solution, the risk of oversight and the inefficiencies associated with manual audits was challenging to offset. They needed a versatile drug diversion monitoring solution that could scrutinize every transaction and flag potential discrepancies without fail.
A Journey Beyond Suspicion
The need for DetectRx wasn’t merely about monitoring possible misuse. Annie Raymond, the Director of Pharmacy at Peterson Health shared “DetectRx didn’t just help look for potential diversion. It found practices that may have needed to be improved or practices that we didn’t know existed.” DetectRx didn’t just track deviations; it charted medication administration trends, spotlighting potential areas for improvement that would likely have slipped under the manual radar. Raymond further stated “DetectRx has made it possible to review every transaction that may appear as an outlier, as opposed to what we were doing before, which was spotchecking.” This proactive approach is creating waves of change, with providers becoming more meticulous, ensuring compliance every step of the way.
Intertwining Culture and Technology
For Peterson Health, the decision to integrate DetectRx was influenced by two main reasons: culture and technology. DetectRx’s cloud-based model meant that Peterson Health’s IT department faced no heavy lifting in setting up the system. The integration also fit seamlessly with their positive interdisciplinary culture. “With the few things that we found and reported, there was really no question that we were going to continue using DetectRx” shared Raymond. “We look at the data and we work together without pointing fingers at each other.”
Looking Ahead: Collaboration is the Key
For Peterson Health, the vision for DetectRx doesn’t stop here. “I’m looking forward to being able to bring in the managers to help more” said Raymond. “We used to work more separately, but now with DetectRx we can work more closely together.” This synergy promises a future where medication administration processes continue to improve, preventing potential drug diversions. But, Peterson Health isn’t just hardening their defenses against potential misuse. They are also refining their processes, all the while ensuring the safety and well-being of their patients. Raymond continues “not only are we providing more complete charting and better information on the medical record, we’re keeping the patient safe.”
Peterson Health’s journey with DetectRx is emblematic of what can be achieved when technology meets dedication. “Having something in place that makes it easy to track and report on helps keep us in line on our drug diversion prevention efforts.” said Raymond. “Actually, it makes me feel better… I feel a lot better with DetectRx knowing that we are looking at things and are doing our best to keep our patients and our staff safe.” The future of patient care at Peterson Health is brighter and safer with DetectRx.
To learn more about DetectRx, please contact us using the information below.